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Scanning on the Go 

Scanner Pro LogoIn keeping with our app review series, we have turned our attention to scanning documents and creating PDFs. How often are you away from your office and in need of the ability to scan a document on the go? Although  there are numerous office stores that you can utilize, if you are like us we do not like wasting the time when there is another option.

According to Global Workplace Analytics, teleworking has increased by 80% since 2005. Another interesting stat is that 2.8 million people now consider themselves self-employed and that there primary place of work is a home office. That being said, this app is a great one for many people that truly work within a mobile office situation. When you are working from your mobile office, carrying around a tool that scans is not always feasible. When they say there is an app for everything, there truly is an app for everything.

The app Scanner Pro is 2.99 and designed for both the iPhone and the iPad. The app is developed by the very experienced Readdle team. They have a number of productivity apps that they say have been download over 40 million times. The app is very user friendly. The guides within the app ensure that you get a pretty good scan the first time.


Give this app a try and let us know if it helps you out with the scans that you have to create.

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